Russophobia: researchers' view

  • 19.04.2024

Russophobia: researchers' view

International Conference "Russophobia: History and Methods of Counteraction" was held in a hybrid format on the 19-th of April at the Institute of Law and Management of Tula State University.

It was organised by the Department of History of State and Law.

The plenary session of the conference was opened by the Rector of Tula State University Oleg Aleksandrovich Kravchenko.

In the conditions of modern socio-political processes, he said, there is a surge of Russophobia in a number of countries. During the announcement of the message to the Federal Assembly the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin stated that Russophobia, as well as other ideology such as racism, national superiority and exclusivity, blinds and deprives the common sense. Moreover, it is connected with falsification of the history of our country. Russophobia destroys historical ties between states and undermines Western society from within.

Oleg Alexandrovich noted the relevance and importance of the conference held at the university. He wished all the participants successful work and interesting discussions.

Yevgeniy Krasilnikov, the Chairman of the Press Committee of the Tula Region, emphasised that we all live in difficult times. People have a lot of questions about what is happening in the world, what kind of relations are formed between states.

Russophobia, the speaker emphasised, is a historical topic. And in order to get answers to the questions that concern you, you need to study the history of your country and the world.

The official part of the plenary session was rounded off by the awarding ceremony of the winner and the awardees of the contest of student presentations on the topic called "Russophobia: History and Methods of Counteraction", implemented with the support of the Tula Region Government grant in the sphere of science and technology.

Diplomas were awarded to:

- first degree - Ekaterina Zvereva;

- second degree - Daniela Arkhipova;

- third degree - Polina Soboleva.

Oleg Kravchenko presented the girls with flowers and memorable gifts.

At the plenary session there were reports of foreign researchers.

Swiss journalist, member of the Geneva Parliament, author of the books "West-Russia: A Thousand-Year War. A history of Russophobia from Charlemagne to the Ukrainian crisis” and “The Confused Continent”. In his work "From Old Russophobia to Modern Russophobia: The History of Western Stereotypes about Russia", Guy Metan tried to identify the origins of Russophobia and highlight the main trends of its manifestation in the modern world.

German philosopher, political scientist and historian, author of the book "German Russophobia and its causes" Stefan Bollinger presented a report "German Russophobia - German dreams of world domination, manipulation of the people and chances for resistance". The author analysed Russian-German relations over two centuries.

Časlav Danilović Koprivica, Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Belgrade State University (Republic of Serbia), focused on the historical and mental prerequisites of Russophobia in the West.

Dejan Mirovic, Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Kosovska Mitrovica, Deputy of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2007-2012, spoke about how Russophobia manifests itself in Serbia.

Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations, Foreign Regional Studies and Political Science at Belgorod State National Research University Nemanja Vukčević and Director of the Institute of Serbian Language and Communications at the V.G. Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University Victoria Ryapukhina examined Russophobia as an echo of ideological persecutions of the past.

Alexander Shirinyanets, Russian political scientist, Head of the Department of History of Social and Political Studies, Faculty of Political Science, Moscow State University, devoted his speech to the significance and relevance of the problem of Russophobia.

Sergey Fedoseev, historian, researcher of the problems of the Ukrainian nationalism, head of the sports club of the L.N. Tolstoy TSPU, briefed the participants with history of anti-Russian "umbrella" foreign organisations. 

The conference participants discussed issues related to the strategy, methods and legal mechanisms of counteracting Russophobia, fighting the falsification of history, the role of history education in the patriotic upbringing of young people in Russia, the implementation of state policy in educational organisations to preserve and strengthen traditional Russian spiritual and moral values. 
The event included panel discussions and online exhibitions of scientific literature. 

Tatiana Krikunkova
Photo by Mikhail Gindin

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