With foreign students about Tula

  • 27.09.2024

With foreign students about Tula

On 27 September, the Department of General Theoretical Disciplines and Russian as a Foreign Language of the TulSU Institute of International Education held the fifth quiz for foreign students in Russian “Tula. History and Modernity”.
The quiz, which has already become traditional, was dedicated to the recently celebrated Day of the Tula Region and the hero-city of Tula.
The participants of the quiz were international students from TulSU from more than 20 countries of the world, and exactly one hour was allotted to complete all the tasks of varying degrees of difficulty.
Teachers of the Department of General Theoretical Disciplines and Russian as a Foreign Language developed 30 questions related to significant events in the history of the Tula region, to landmarks and interesting locations of the city and the region, and to famous Tula brands. The questions included both closed questions, where a foreign student was asked to choose one correct option out of several offered, and open questions, where a foreign student was asked to give a detailed and, most importantly, competent answer to the question in Russian.
For example, what delicacy is famous for Tula, with what, according to a Russian proverb, you should not come to Tula, in the form of what headdress the new Tula Arms Museum was built, the production of what musical instrument Tula is famous for, what honourable title the city of Tula bears.  
The development of the questions took into account the most important objectives of the Concept of Humanitarian Policy of the Russian Federation Abroad approved by Presidential Decree No. 611 of 05.09.2022, as well as the list of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values approved by Presidential Decree No. 809 of 9 November 2022 in accordance with the current requirements of the time.
In this regard, the quiz was designed not only to develop and strengthen foreign students' Russian language skills, but also to acquaint them with the cultural heritage of great Russia, traditional spiritual and moral values of our great country, to popularise national achievements in various fields of knowledge, as well as to form their interest in Tula as a city with an ancient history, heroic past and present, comfortable urban environment, high-tech industrial enterprises and modern cultural and educational space.
The quiz was attended by 40 international students from near and far abroad.
The quiz organisers will sum up the results on October 10, the winners and awardees will receive certificates and valuable gifts from the Institute of International Education of TulSU.

Olga Gladkova

2025 Université d'État de Toula. Politique de confidentialité