The Problem Leads to the Project

  • 07.11.2022

The Problem Leads to the Project

On October 21, participants of the acceleration program for student project teams of Tula State University inTECH got important some instructions from experts.

The meetup with experts was devoted to the analysis of the situation and trends that will affect project development in the future. The inTECH participants carried out an analysis of competitors' analogues, various cases, as well as a scientific search to identify the context, ambitions, development drivers that led to the implementation of the projects that turned into a business. A search was made for problem points that similar projects might face.

Two major projects implemented in Tula Region were analyzed: Scientific and Educational Center "TulaTECH" and Innovative Scientific and Technological Center "Composite Valley". Tula State University vice-rector for innovation and technological development Nikita Vladimirovich Garadzha spoke about the latter. The mission of the project, according to him, is to take a leading position in the markets of composite materials and related products, to create an integral innovation system that will ensure the scientific and technological superiority of Russia.

“The strategy is based on several principles: professional staff, large consumers, the best prototypes, cost-effective production, modern infrastructure and simple benefits,” said N.V. Garadzha. - The goals of implementing the strategy until 2037 are a 10% share of the market for composite materials and related products for project participants, the creation of 2,400 new high-tech jobs, one hundred billion rubles as a total volume of research and development.

Leyla Sakhibovna Jalilova, Chief Analyst-Methodologist of TulaTECH, spoke about the trackers that accompany the projects. This specialist works as a consultant who has already gone through all the stages of design and understands how it is done. This person keeps the focus on the ultimate goal, helps build communication within the team and shares their experience and expertise.

“The tracker helps you run faster and in the right direction,” L.S. Jalilova explained.

This meetup was not the last one during the current inTECH project session. The organizers plan to devote the next meetup to digitalization and digital transformation, to the use of end-to-end IT technologies in projects and startups.

“Today we have introduced an instructive scheme for finding a problem field in order to identify the design object. This can be described in one phrase: “The problem leads to the project,” Yury Andreyevich Chadaev, curator of inTECH and head of Tula State University startup studio said.

Dmitry Litvinov

Photo by Mikhail Gindin

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