The most serious attention at Tula State University is given to scientific work in its various forms: the implementation of work on grants; training of highly qualified personnel through postgraduate and doctoral studies; cooperation with institutes and scientific centers of the Russian Academy of Sciences; patent and licensing work; holding and participating in scientific conferences and exhibitions of various levels; research work of students; issue of monographs and other scientific printed matter. Scientific activity has a positive impact on the quality of training of specialists and is evidence of the fruitful work of the teams of the departments.

Tula State University has 16 doctoral dissertation councils in 37 scientific specialties. Every year 12-15 doctoral and 80-100 master's theses are defended at the university.

The scientific potential of Tula State University today is a qualified staff, these are well-known in the country and abroad traditional scientific schools of thermophysics and gas dynamics, mechanics of a deformable solid body, engineering technology, automation of production processes, metal forming, material cutting, electrochemical and electrophysical technologies , materials science, aerology, labor and environmental protection, mining engineering, theory of dynamic systems and control processes. These are new scientific directions of the humanitarian, natural science and medical fields.

Directions of scientific research at Tula State University:

  • Directions of research and development work in the interests of defense industry enterprises
  • Interaction of vertical shafts with the rock mass and assessment of the consequences of violation of construction geotechnologies projects
  • Evaluation of the interaction of vertical shafts with rock masses during the restoration of lining and reinforcement
  • Equipment for fixing the roadbed by the method of hydro-jet grouting
  • Integration of the educational program Land management and cadastres into the international project ERASMUS + SUSDEV to develop a program of continuous training in green skills for various target groups
  • Intelligent analysis of complex data, signal and image analysis, pattern recognition
  • Improving the professional qualifications of engineers-teachers of the Training Centers of industrial enterprises
  • Scientific directions of activity of the Medical Institute
  • Scientific directions of the Department of Chemistry of the Institute of Natural Sciences
  • Powder refractory intermetallics – a new class of heat-resistant materials
  • Powder low modulus Ti-Nb alloys for medical applications
  • Innovative methods and technical means for automated diagnostics of crane metal structures
  • Methods and means of controlling the dynamic stability of free-standing jib cranes
  • Management of manufacturability of metal structures of superstructures of overhead cranes
  • Titanium Nickel Powder TiNi – shape memory alloy, analogue and competitor of cast material
  • TiNiHf powder alloy with high temperature shape memory effect
  • Scientific directions in the field of metal forming
  • Development and implementation of multi-threaded adjustable electric drives with forced parameters
  • Determination of elastic and inelastic properties of materials in a wide range of temperatures, frequencies and strain amplitudes

Over the long history of development, the university has developed many well-established scientific schools. At the same time, the dynamic development of technology provides prerequisites for the formation of new scientific schools and teams.

In 2022, 4 youth scientific laboratories began to work at Tula State University:

  1. Laboratory of biologically active compounds and biocomposites
  2. Laboratory of ecological and medical biotechnology
  3. Laboratory of cognitive technologies and simulation systems
  4. Laboratory of chemistry of composite and carbon materials

Tula State University publishes the following scientific journals:

  1. Bulletin of Tula State University
  2. Journal of New Medical Technologies (Russian version)
  3. Journal of New Medical Technologies (English version)
  4. Journal of New Medical Technologies (e-edition) (Russian version)
  5. Journal of New Medical Technologies (e-edition) (English version)

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