A Very Important Issue Is About Our Higher Education

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  • A Very Important Issue Is About Our Higher Education
  • 22.02.2023

A Very Important Issue Is About Our Higher Education

On February 21, 2023, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin delivered an Address to the Federal Assembly. The ceremony took place in Moscow, in Gostiny Dvor.
In the course of his Adress to the Federal Assembly, Vladimir Vladimirovich proposed returning to the traditional system of training specialists in higher education. This system should be a synthesis of the best practices of the Soviet system and the system of the recent decades.
Changes in the system of higher education will make it possible to strengthen the training of engineers at Tula State University by increasing the number of academic hours devoted to fundamental disciplines and practical classes. For the development of students’ skills, the capabilities of the defense enterprises of the region will be more actively used.
“Such a transition [to the new system] will strengthen the fundamental component of engineering training in such disciplines as theoretical mechanics, strength of materials, machine parts, electrical engineering, and so on, as well as increase the amount of practical training using the resources of our industrial partners - organizations of the military-industrial complex,” according to Tula State University Oleg Aleksandrovich Kravchenko.

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