Friendship between an engineer and a doctor for the benefit of human health

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  • 27.02.2023

Friendship between an engineer and a doctor for the benefit of human health

On February 27, with the grant support of the Government of the Tula Region in the field of science and technology and information support of the League of Higher School Teachers, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Medical Technologies and Devices" was held at Tula State University in a part-time format.

It was organized by the Department "Instruments and Biotechnical Systems" of the Institute of High-Precision Systems named after V.P. Gryazev. 120 representatives of 34 educational institutions and organizations from Belgorod, Vladimir, Voronezh, Kazan, Kursk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tambov and Tula, as well as from Almaty (Kazakhstan), Conakry (Guinea), Pleven (Bulgaria), Samarkand took part in the conference (Uzbekistan) and Khujata (Tajikistan). The event brought together people who are already passionate about scientific activities and very young researchers who are just taking their first steps in this field. Alexey Vyacheslavovich Prokhortsov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Instruments and Biotechnical Systems, addressed the participants of the plenary session with a welcoming speech. He said that every year the conference is expanding thematically. And it all started in 2005, when, on the initiative of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Valery Viktorovich Savelyev and Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Arif Ziyadovich Huseynov, the first issue of the collection was published, which was the result of cooperation between the departments "Devices and Biotechnical Systems" and "Surgical Diseases". Then the collection included only two sections - "Issues of Clinical Medicine" and "Medical Devices and Systems". The first considered the problems of organization and control of practical health care, new clinical methods of treatment and methods for assessing the state of various organs and systems of the body, and the second considered the development, improvement and implementation of technical methods and algorithms for diagnosing and treating, design features of medical devices and systems that implement these technologies. Then the section "Educational technologies in medicine" appeared, touching on the problems of higher, secondary, basic general and additional professional education. Later, the section "Scientific research of schoolchildren" was added, which presents the work of schoolchildren on medical and medical-technical issues, as well as issues of protecting human health. This year the collection was supplemented with the section “Medical-biological and methodological technologies in physical culture, sports and health protection”, which contains works related to the study of human health and physical activity.

- I wish you all not to stop there! I am sure that your further scientific and practical activities will help improve the quality of medical care for the population, improve living standards, and develop scientific and technical potential! Alexey Vyacheslavovich addressed the conference participants. - New discoveries and developments to you. Dare, create and win! Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of PBS Aleksey Fedorovich Indyukhin noted with satisfaction that future doctors and future engineers had gathered in the hall. The friendship of representatives of these two professions is very important and gives a synergistic effect. Thanks to an engineer, it is easier for a doctor to work on the most modern equipment and make the correct diagnosis, and an engineer who knows the needs of a doctor is easier to understand in which direction to move on in order to create high-tech equipment. Aleksey Fedorovich advised all participants of the conference to ask interesting questions and hone their skills in conducting discussions. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of the Medical Institute Victoria Sergeevna Sobolenkova called the conference combined. And this medical term was not chosen by chance. The devices developed by the engineers, she said, help doctors make an accurate diagnosis. The speaker expressed her hope that new ideas for further cooperation of its participants will be born at today's conference. Master student of the second year of study at the Department of Instruments and Biotechnical Systems Romarik Kumassadouno from Guinea. The guy is engaged under the scientific guidance of the candidate of technical sciences, professor of this department Nikolai Lvovich Korzhuk. At the conference, Romaric presented his report in French "Development of a system for the treatment of malignant neoplasms based on the method of magnetic liquid hyperthermia." Nanoparticles, the author explained, are delivered to a given area, heated using a magnetic field and destroy the pathological focus without affecting healthy tissues. These nanoparticles are excreted from the body naturally. “This method does not cause serious adverse reactions,” said the undergraduate. “Many students understand both French and English and can communicate in them, switching from English to French and vice versa,” commented Alexey Vyacheslavovich Prokhortsov. - Some guys asked Romarik questions in English, and he also answered them in this language. Marina Gozheva is studying in the eighth grade of the Tula Chemical Lyceum, which is a structural subdivision of the Education Center No. 38. Under the scientific supervision of Tatyana Olegovna Shatrova, a master's degree graduate of the Tula State University, and now a teacher of biology and chemistry, the schoolgirl is studying the pollution of Tula water bodies with microplastics. Microplastics, Marina said, can be industrial waste or the result of the decomposition of poorly disposed plastic. An eighth-grader collected samples from water bodies using a filter unit she made herself. I passed water through the filter, and the sediment was examined under a microscope. Then I discovered particles of microplastics. “I propose measures to prevent this problem,” the young researcher shared. — It is possible, of course, to prohibit the use of single-use plastic packaging and bags at the legislative level. But there is also a personal approach. This is when a person tries to use reusable packaging. Students of the Medical Institute: fourth-year student Ioanna Denisova and sixth-year student Aisha Imami - co-authored a report "The influence of qigong on human health" (supervisor - Victoria Sergeevna Sobolenkova). The girls said that in the conditions of the post-coronavirus period, the issue of rehabilitation of patients is acute. Chinese breathing exercises qigong is one of the most effective, but at the same time gentle methods of restoring the respiratory system and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems, on the human psyche, and on the whole organism as a whole. Qigong is available to everyone, and it can be started even in the intensive care unit. “Participation in today's conference is a good springboard for doing research activities,” shared Joanna and Aisha. “It’s also a great self-presentation experience. After the plenary session, the work of the scientific and practical conference continued in sections corresponding to the sections of the collection of materials of the conference participants.

Tatiana Krikunkova

Photo by Elena Gorbacheva

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