You Will Succeed!

  • 08.07.2023

You Will Succeed!

On July 7, in the space "Student Design Workshop" of Tula State University, a solemn ceremony of awarding certificates of completion of studies at a pre-university training course for its international graduates was held.

The ceremony was attended by international graduates, their guests, teachers of the Department of General Theoretical Subjects and Russian as a Foreign Language of Institute of International Education of Tula State University and the Directorate of  Institute of International Education.

The main task of implementing the pre-university training program at the department (the so-called "podfak") is to prepare students from foreign countries who do not speak Russian for having further higher education at Tula State Univesity and other higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the level of Russian language proficiency of graduates of Tula State University podfak corresponds to the First (I) level (B1) of Russian language proficiency and allows a foreigner to communicate with native speakers in the social, social and cultural spheres. and in the future even more and more - constant replenishment of the baggage of knowledge!

This year, the pre-university training course is being completed by 138 students from 32 countries of near and far abroad.

The event began with the presentation of well-deserved awards to the graduates. Nalubega Megan Grace from Uganda was awarded with a diploma of the winner of the III Olympiad in Russian as a foreign language "My Russia", dedicated to the culture, geography and history of Russia, which took place at National Research Tomsk State University.

Patirage Nadeeja Dinanta Perera from Sri Lanka received a diploma of the winner of the All-Russian Online Olympiad in Russian as a Foreign Language in "Far Abroad" nomination, held at Kazan National Research Technological University.

And the solemn ceremony of awarding certificates of completion of studies at a pre-university training course  began with a touching, warm and sincere video message, which the teachers of the Department of General Theoretical Subjects and Russian as a Foreign Language of Institute of International Education recorded for international graduates of podfak 2023.

It should be noted that after receiving certificates, each podfak study group showed a response video message to their teachers, noting their sincerity, kindness, fairness, willingness to help, professionalism, dedication and dedication to their work.

The graduates did their best - so much love, soul and creativity was invested in the creation of response video messages to their teachers, in which they confirmed their knowledge of the Russian language.

The certificate awarding ceremony ended with an appeal to the graduates by the head of the Department of General Theoretical Subjects and Russian as a Foreign Language Irina Marselievna Lagun: “Today, dear graduates, the most difficult stage of education has finished for you. It is also difficult because it is the first one. But you have proven that you have sufficient knowledge. You will succeed!"

Director of Institute of International Education Olga Dmitrievna Gladkova noted that the pre-university training course is implemented at Tula State University in 5 fields (medical and biological, natural sciences, engineering and technology, humanitarian and economic ones) and traditionally combines training and socio-cultural adaptation of foreign citizens to the conditions of study and living in Russia and in Tula, in particular.

2025 Université d'État de Toula. Politique de confidentialité