Medical care in action

  • 14.06.2024

Medical care in action

In June, the Tula State University Medical Institute holds the state final certification in medical care. The examination is conducted in two stages. On the 10-th of June, the attestation testing took place. On 13, 14, 17 and 18 June graduates will have interdisciplinary interview, including three situational clinical tasks of integrative nature on therapy, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology.

There are 149 people taking the examination including 22 foreigners, and 52 target contract students. The examination is taken by professors of the Tula State University Medical Institute, as well as by leading specialists of medical institutions in Tula and Moscow.

The chairman of the Board of Examiners is a candidate of medical sciences, head of the admissions department - chief surgeon of the FSBI "Main military clinical hospital named after Academician N.N. Burdenko" under the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation Yevgeny Viktorovich Yudin.

Valeria Scherbitskaya is from the town of Kireyevsk, Tula Region. She studied at the Medical Institute on a commercial basis. She is the first doctor in her family. The desire to help people and stand guard over their health determined the girl's choice of her future profession.

- Of course, I had difficult situations related to studies and exams. What can I say, studying to be a doctor is very difficult," Valeria shared. - But I overcame all the difficulties and reached the finish line. I am going to enter the residency programme in oncology. I have a long professional life ahead of me. I am grateful to all our teachers for their knowledge and experience! In particular, I would like to mention Angela Oktayevna Plakhova, who taught us Clinical Pharmacology, and Jeyran Oktayevna Aliyeva, who taught us Bioethics.

The girl admitted that she is nervous before the exam, and it is quite understandable - it is a very important moment.

Kira Kuznetsova from Tula signed a contract on targeted training with Tula City Hospital No. 7. After graduation, she is going to work in primary care as a district therapist.

- I believe that being a therapist is a very important profession! - Kira emphasised. -It is the first person patients turn to, and the therapist determines individual treatment or refers them to a specialist.

According to the girl, she had many happy moments during her studies. These include the joy of passing exams and the realisation that every step brings you closer to your dream.

- I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to Olga Viktorovna Semencheva, who taught us Anatomy and Topographical Anatomy! - said Kira. - The knowledge she gave us, we can successfully apply in practice.

Dmitry Yudochkin comes from Odoyev, Tula region. He signed an agreement on targeted training with the Odoyev Central District Hospital named after P.P. Belousov.

- I am also the only doctor in my family so far. I chose this profession because it is noble, necessary and prestigious," he said. - I will enter the residency programme in the speciality of neurology.

Dmitry had already passed the interdisciplinary interview. He hadn`t hidden the fact that he was very nervous. He took a breath and tried to pull himself together.

He had a congenital heart defect in therapy exam. The future doctor recommended the prospective patient to consult a cardiac surgeon and prescribed medication.

As for surgery, the problem was quite serious. A patient with breast cancer was administered surgical treatment followed by a course of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

- We were a very friendly group. Sometimes, of course, we had conflicts, but we quickly reconciled and came to a common opinion," Dmitry said. - I would like to say a huge thank you to my teachers - Olga Viktorovna Semencheva, Natalya Borisovna Kinyasheva, Margarita Alexandrovna Bondarenko, Victoria Ilyinichna Chmilenko and Julia Lvovna Venyovtseva! Yulia Lvovna is worthy of a special mention. She is very demanding and strict, and only in the senior courses we realised what these exactingness and strictness were for. Thanks to them, we know the subjects well!

Evgeniy Yudin, Chairman of the Board of Examiners, spoke with great warmth about today's graduates.
- The guys are trying hard, answering well. We saw that the students demonstrate a decent quality of professional training," he said. “- In general, amidst the concern of the regional authorities, Tula State University maintains sufficient level of supply of doctors for the Tula region. Throughout all the years of the Medical Institute's existence, its positive dynamics has been observed. I am sure that with the development of the Medical Institute's infrastructure, the quality of training will steadily improve.

Tatyana Krikunkova
Photographs by Mikhail Gindin

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