Teachers of higher school are our pride

  • 19.11.2024

Teachers of higher school are our pride

On 19 November our huge country celebrates a wonderful professional holiday – the Day of Higher Education Teacher. Tula State University has the most direct relation to this significant date.
Throughout the university`s existence, its teaching staff has been training high-grade specialists. Some of them join the ranks of employees of enterprises and organisations, some of them follow the research pass but all of them keep in their hearts a feeling of gratitude to those who have given them a ticket to a big professional life.
The concert hall of TulSU was full that day.
The best cadets of Tula Workers` Regiment Military Centre carried the flags of Russian Federation, Tula region and Tula State University in a solemn atmosphere. The National Anthem of our country was played.
Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitriy Nikolayevich Chernyshenko and Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Valeriy Nikolayevich Falkov addressed the teachers of higher education with video congratulations.
The date of 19 November, said Dmitriy Nikolayevich, wasn`t chosen by chance. Teachers and mentors are honoured on the birthday of the outstanding Russian scientist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov.
Higher education is a special pride of Russia. As President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin emphasizes, Russia`s competitiveness depends on achievements in science and education. It is the generation of young specialists that teachers are training today that will lead the country to the technological leadership. This is the national goal set by the head of state.
The Day of the Higher School Teacher, noted Valery Nikolayevich Falkov, is still young, but already a well-known and important professional holiday. Today, all over the country, professors and associate professors, teachers and assistants, those who have devoted their lives to the noble teaching labour, are receiving congratulations.
The transfer of knowledge provides the continuity of leading scientific schools, the bringing up of young professionals and ensures the technological leadership of our country.
A good teacher is, first of all, a mentor who helps talent to unfold. He inspires by his example and instils love for his work, for his field of knowledge, lays the basic principles of scientific ethics.
Valeriy Nikolaevich wished all teachers of higher education new successes in their work, creative inspiration, happiness, well-being and health.
Andrey Vladimirovich Dubrovsky, Chairman of the Tula Regional Duma, congratulated the participants of the gala event at TulSU on behalf of the deputies.
Today's holiday, he noted, is a sign of recognition of the noble work of teachers of higher education. Their profession is a real vocation. Higher school teachers are at the forefront of Russian science and Russian education.
Tula State University, continued Andrey Vladimirovich, has always been characterised by a strong teaching staff, whose work meets the highest standards of education. The distinguished guest wished everyone success and new achievements.
Andrey Vladimirovich presented departmental awards of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation to the representatives of our university.
The following teachers were honoured with:
- medal “For irreproachable labour and distinction” - candidate of pedagogical sciences, director of the Institute of Pedagogy, Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism Svetlana Anatolievna Arkhipova;
- badge “Honourable mentor” - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Mechanics and Plastic Form Change Processes Department of the Polytechnic Institute Nikolay Antonovich Usenko.
The honorary title “Honourable Worker in Education of the Russian Federation” was awarded to:
- Alexey Alexeevich Sychugov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Director of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Head of the Information Security Department;
- Alexander Eduardovich Solovyov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Electrical Engineering and Electrical Equipment Department of the V.P. Gryazev Institute of High-Precision Systems;
- Vitaliy Nikolayevich Skryabin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Director of the Sergey Ivanovich Mosin Technical College.
Letter of Gratitude of the Tula Regional Duma for merits in scientific and pedagogical activity and great contribution to the training of qualified specialists received:
- Anna Gennadyevna Bogomolova, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Justice and Law Enforcement Activities Department of the Institute of Law and Management;
- Alla Aleksandrovna Kosheleva, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Urban Construction, Architecture and Design Department of the Institute of Mining and Construction;
- Irina Marselyevna Lagun, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the General theoretical disciplines and Russian as a foreign language Department of the Institute of International Education;
- Valeriy Vladimirovich Matveev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department Control Devices of the Vasiliy Petrovich Gryazev Institute of High-Precision Systems.
On behalf of Dmitry Vyacheslavovich Milyaev, Governor of the Tula Region, Anton Valeryevich Pankratov, Chairman of the Tula Region Committee for Science and Innovation, addressed the TulSU teachers with a welcoming speech. 
For him, a graduate of Tula State University, admitted the speaker, to be on the stage of his native university and congratulate the heroes of today's celebration is a very exciting moment. 
The labour of teachers largely determines what the Tula region will become. The university community is the soul of the region, the basis for the development of its economy and industry. 
The guest wished all the teachers good health, success in their work and grateful students.
Anton Valeryevich presented the Certificate of Honour of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation “For significant services in the field of education and conscientious labour”:
- Yelena Anatolyevna Arefyeva, Candidate of Technical Sciences, deputy director of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences for educational and extracurricular work;
- Vladimir Ivanovich Grigoryev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Vice-Rector for General Affairs and Digitalisation, Associate Professor of the Urban Construction, Architecture and Design Department of the Institute of Mining and Construction;
- Sergey Vladimirovich Nedoshivin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Mechanics and Plastic Form Change Processes Department of the Polytechnic Institute;
- Alexey Vyacheslavovich Prokhortsov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Acting Director of the V.P. Gryazev Institute of High-Precision Systems. V.P. Gryazev Institute of High-Precision Systems, Head of the Devices and Biotechnical Systems Department;
- Yelena Viktorovna Survillo, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department of the Medical Institute.  
Oleg Kravchenko, Rector of Tula State University, congratulated his colleagues on their professional holiday from the bottom of his heart.
The work of higher education teachers, he emphasised, has always been different from that of other educationists. Their task is not only to convey knowledge and share practical experience, but first of all to inspire the student, who is already an adult, to self-development and moving into a higher orbit. And also to educate a worthy successor.
The ability to enthuse and interest, continued Oleg Alexandrovich, someone calls the charisma of a teacher, and someone calls it pedagogical skill. But in any case it is something for which teachers will be rewarded a hundredfold in the future - with love and gratitude of students. The future of their students depends on the daily work of teachers.     
Oleg Alexandrovich wished his colleagues good health, new achievements, purposeful, talented and grateful students.
On designated by the Rector, the university has been organising voting among students for the best teacher of Tula State University for the third year already. 
This year, more than 5,000 students took part in it. They made their choice among the best of the best.
Oleg Aleksandrovich awarded the winners in the nomination “Best Teacher of Tula State University”:
  - Tatyana Molodtsova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director for Educational Work of the V.P. Gryazev Institute of High-Precision Systems, Associate Professor of the Gas Dynamics Department; 
- Tatyana Arkadyevna Yegorova, lecturer at the Geoengineering and Cadastre Department of the Institute of Mining and Construction;
- Andrey Vladimirovich Makhrin, Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Sociology and Political Science Department of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences;
- Yelena Andreyevna Yagolnik, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Deputy Director of the Natural Science Institute for Admissions and Vocational Guidance, for Educational and Extracurricular Work, Associate Professor of the Biology Department; 
- Nadezhda Nikolayevna Zakharova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the General Theoretical Disciplines and Russian as a Foreign Language Department of the Institute of International Education;
- Anastasiya Vladimirovna Demidova, senior lecturer at the Computer Science Department of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences;
- Alexander Alexandrovich Dranishnikov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the History of State and Law Department of the Institute of Law and Management;
- Sergey Nikolaevich Kovalyov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Deputy Director of the Institute of Law and Management for Educational and Extracurricular Work, Professor, Head of the History of State and Law Department;
- Yelena Olegovna Dyachkova, Assistant of the Physical Education and Recreational Technologies Department of the Institute of Pedagogy, Physical Education, Sports and Tourism;
- Olga Viktorovna Semencheva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Department, Associate Professor of the Surgical Diseases Department at the Medical Institute;
- Lyudmila Petrovna Semenova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Mechanics and Plastic Form Modification Processes Department of the Polytechnic Institute.
- Today we are proud to celebrate the outstanding achievements of our scientific and pedagogical staff, - Oleg Aleksandrovich Kravchenko took the word again. - Valeriy Ivanovich Ivanov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of Applied Mathematics and Informatics Department, has a special place in this list. He became one of the leaders of our rating according to the results of fulfilment of efficiency criteria, which testifies to his high professionalism and invaluable contribution to science and education. Unfortunately, Valeriy Ivanovich Ivanov was unable to attend our gala event due to health problems. However, let us all together express our support to him and wish him a speedy recovery!
According to the results of fulfilment of the performance criteria of scientific and pedagogical workers the following teachers were awarded:
- Vyacheslav Alekseevich Arlyapov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Director of BioChemTechCentre of Tula State University, Head of the Laboratory of Biologically Active Compounds and Biocomposites;
- Sergey Alexandrovich Vasin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Urban Construction, Architecture and Design Department of of the Institute of Mining and Construction;
- Vladimir Denisovich Kukhar, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Mechanics and Plastic Form Change Processes Department;
- Alexander Anatolyevich Treshchyov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Construction, Building Materials and Structures Department of the Institute of Mining and Construction.
Undoubtedly, the warm words of congratulations on this encouraged our teachers and inspired them to new achievements. But the holiday would not have been so bright and memorable without the creative spark that was brought by the organisers of this extraordinary celebration.
Beautiful hosts Anastasia Kosina and Andrey Lubenets gave the event a special flavour and literally fascinated the numerous audience. 
Sofiya Mironova, a first-year student of the Medical Institute, literally warmed up the hall with ‘Folk jingles’, and the pupils of the university kindergarten ‘Solnyshko’ captivated and charmed everyone with a dance composition a la Russe.
‘Beautiful Far Away’ performed by the vocal club “Mitsar” acquired a philosophical meaning, stretching an invisible thread between the present and the future. Marvellous voices of the girls as if a magic veil enveloped the huge space of the concert hall and penetrated into the hearts of the audience. 
The life-affirming video ‘Native Land’ evoked a sea of positivity. Thanks to it, all the participants were able to mentally travel to the historical places of the Tula region and feel proud of their small homeland.
The cherry on this festive and solemn cake was the performance of the cover band ‘Comics!’. The band is interesting because it consists of graduates and students of Tula State University. Music connected and inspired them. The performers fountained with energy and positivity.
The celebration in honour of the teachers of the higher school was a success!      
Tatyana Krikunkova            
Photographs by Mikhail Gindin and Ilya Khodakovskiy

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